Thinking about Hands…

I recently started or restarted sketching or doodling, now on my iPad. It was something that I did a lot of back in the pre-computer days. Look at any book I owned in those days and you’ll find my doodles and notes bleeding across the margins. Funny that someone who drew long before I was comfortable writing would have mostly abandoned the art when I … Continue reading Thinking about Hands…

Pacing Myself

I’m a lot better than I was even just a couple months ago. I’ve retired the walker to storage in the garage and I’m focusing on not leaning on the cane when I walk. When I wake in the morning I take a quick pain inventory and except for the bottom of my feet still suffering from neuropathy my legs feel really close to normal. But my feet not giving my legs full surface/balance/sensory feedback, so I’m not back to normal and still tire easily. Yesterday I walked my local Costco and Best Buy using my cane and not using an electric cart to ride or even regular cart to lean on. That wasn’t too bad. But when I stopped at a local sporting goods place to try on some five-finger shoes I really had to use my leg muscles to get my feet and all five toes into the correct position. The very helpful sales guy, Mike, said that getting the shoes on the first time was always the toughest. He wasn’t kidding. I almost gave up when it seemed impossible for me to get my little toe AND my big toes in their proper alignments at the same time. But like I said I muscled my way into them and was surprised at how comfortable they were, well, the left one was and the right one was a bit too tight. But after struggling to get them on I wore them out of the store and the rest of the evening.

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The Balcony is Closed: RIP Roger Ebert

Of late when a celebrity passes away I’ve found myself quietly counting my fingers and toes and wondering when my turn might come. Having reached an age where more than a few friends and family have shaken off their mortal coils, it’s not an altogether unreasonable question. And while my illness this past year thankfully never got to the stage where I was at grave … Continue reading The Balcony is Closed: RIP Roger Ebert

Mt8 1-4 – The Man with Leprosy

Matt. 8:1-4 – The Man with Leprosy The faith of a man stricken with a socially abhorrent disease turns to Jesus and believes that Jesus can change his life by the power of his will. Jesus, of course, does want to heal the man and so he is healed. But rather than using this miracle as a vehicle for widespread public promotion, Jesus, in keeping … Continue reading Mt8 1-4 – The Man with Leprosy